10 Superfoods for Hormonal Health
The term “superfood” has become very trendy, and even overused at times…but here is what I mean when I call something a “superfood”.
Superfoods are…
✳ a hyper concentration of nutrients that are specific to your health goals
✳ The perfect package of balancing + absorbing compounds within the food
Superfoods are not a magic cure, but when eaten consistently and in the context of a balanced, whole-food based diet, they can be powerful tools for supporting overall hormonal health!
Top 10 Hormonal Superfoods
Pomegranates are very high in antioxidants, particularly Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps our body to absorb other essential nutrients (like iron), supports the adrenals, and is a powerful detoxifying agent.
Chia seeds
Chia seeds are very high in fiber and support beneficial bacteria in the gut, which is crucial for hormonal health! They are also high in magnesium, which is a menstruating person’s best friend.
Bee pollen
Bee pollen is a tiny package PACKED with nutrients. Bee pollen has been shown to increase libido, decrease PMS symptoms, improve overall ovarian health (and therefore fertility), and boost our immune system!
Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds are very high in zinc and B vitamins, which support healthy hormones and balances estrogen levels during the first half of your cycle.
Green tea
Green tea is very rich in micronutrients called polyphenols. One in particular, theanine, can reduce stress, balance hormone levels, and increase fertility. Matcha tea offers an extra-concentrated dose of theanine!
Maca root is a powder that is very rich in B vitamins and boosts progesterone levels, which can increase fertility and libido. Side note: maca is also a powerful tool to boost male fertility!
Raw cacao powder, not to be confused with cocoa powder, is very high in antioxidants and magnesium. This has been shown to help with headaches, cramps, PMS, decrease stress levels, and improve sleep. Nice!
Avocado is a great source of magnesium and anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, which helps to build healthy hormones and reduce stress in the body.
Not enough of us are eating sea vegetables on the regular! They are truly nutrient powerhouses, full of iodine for thyroid + adrenal health, and full of tons of minerals and micronutrients to decrease inflammation. They are also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Leafy greens
No matter what your health goals are, I’ll probably recommend that you eat more leafy greens. They are just the bomb dot com. Full of antioxidants and iron, they support the detoxification of excess hormones, which can increase fertility and decrease PMS symptoms. Win-win!
What are your favorite ways to eat these Superfoods? Comment below!