8 Healthy Habit Hacks {for busy people}
Guys. I get it. I work a job that I am passionate about that takes up about 10 hours a day and 112% of my energy. As great as it would be to meditate every morning, go to a workout class, and cook 3 organic meals from scratch every day, we all know that some days just drinking enough water feels like a challenge. Just to make things worse, products that are marketed as “convenient” are often the worst for our busy bodies.
If we can hack our habits, however, we can improve our overall health in a sustainable way. Here are some tried and true habit hacks that will add up to big health gains!
Plan ahead
This has been key for me. So much precious time is lost over the back-and-forth of “what’s for dinner” or the last minute stop at the grocery store for an ingredient that was forgotten, not to mention the mental stress of not feeling prepared. You are also 254% less likely (#science) to eat that workroom donut if you know that you have a healthy snack option in your desk drawer. Make a meal plan over the weekend, set out food for work the night before, get your list together before trying to go shopping. Busy people have no time to waste on indecisiveness or being unprepared!
Overplan for food
Especially when it comes to non-perishable snacks, I recommend being over-prepared. Keep a stash in your desk drawer, your purse, your car, and eliminate the stress of being stuck at work late and reaching that dangerous HANGRY place and will significantly reduce the urge to go through the drive-through because you need food NOW! And when I say overplan, I mean OVERPLAN. Just keep enough snacks for your whole family + the neighbor’s kids in your car, mkay? For snack ideas, check out my Healthy Snacks post.
Make health a habit
This cuts down on the mental energy required to make decisions, which research shows drains our reserve and will power. Morning and evening routines are great opportunities to pack in as many health-building acts as possible. Write out the healthy things you wish you had time to incorporate into your life and think about small opportunities throughout your day that you could fit that into a routine that might already exist. For example, if you want to begin meditating, try to incorporate a 3 minute mindfulness exercise in the shower each morning. If you want to exercise more, try to do a 10-minute workout video during your lunch break every day. You will be surprised how small choices add up to make a big difference!
Go with your strengths
I LOVE using personality tests to our advantage when trying to make habits stick. I recommend the Gretchen Rubin 4 Tendencies Quiz and learning about your Moderator/Abstainer type to everyone. (No really, go take those quizes right now) Bonus points if you geek out over your Enneagram type, Human Design Chart, and Harry Potter house (kidding. Kind of). Bottom line- KNOW YOURSELF. Know what motivates you and what you need from others to make habits stick. Don’t try to copy someone else’s strategy- it will just waste your energy and leave you feeling frustrated!
Prioritize food over exercise (for now)
Now, hang on. Exercise is crucial to overall health, there is no getting around it. This is in no way to discredit the power of exercise. But for those of us juggling all the things, it can feel impossible to find the time and/or energy to fit in a workout. There are two reasons I recommend dialing in the food before stressing about an exercise routine. The first is that we all have to eat every day anyway. It is more reasonable for many people to make healthy swaps to the food they are already eating than to add something new to their full schedule. The other reason is that once healthy food choices are being made, many people naturally find more energy and motivation for movement. Making food choices that make you feel good and are investing in your health build momentum towards MORE health-promoting choices. Give yourself some grace and start with food!
Start your day with water
This small move will boost hydration throughout the day and increase morning energy levels. Our cells require water to create energy and complete their unique cellular jobs, and after a night of not drinking water it is important to rehydrate. Getting in some water before coffee makes a big difference. You can even squeeze some lemon in there for a flavor and detox boost!
Use the car as your buffer
Make your car a safe haven of relaxation. Since many of us use our car to transport us to and from potentially stressful situations (work, errands, etc), this can be very effective for moving though our day with the right mindset. Some ways to make your car a buffer include:
Keep your car clean, especially the interior.
Keep your favorite music on hand. Some days may call for your most zen soundtrack, others will warrant that one song that you can belt out at the top of your lungs on repeat.
Use your commute to call your favorite people. Reach out to your best friend, your mom, your partner, or your grandma. This is precious time that is sometimes wasted tuning out to radio talk shows. Instead use it to cultivate connections and community! (over bluetooth, of course…)
Buy a car essential oil diffuser. These are more natural than other car air fresheners and are relatively inexpensive, fit in your cup holder, and make you feel like you were transported to a day spa. Here is the one I’m currently using. They also make some that clip onto your vent, so find one that works for you!
Embrace the microwave/one pot meals
Cut down cook time and cleanup by steaming potatoes and vegetables in the microwave. Ideas for one pot and sheet pan meals are everywhere and can simplify what is sometimes the hardest meal of the day (darn dinner).
Healthy habits are only as helpful as they are sustainable. Start small and celebrate each win! To get started, I recommend you write out a list of the healthy changes you wish you had the time and energy to incorporate into your life. Then pick one each week to build into one of your routines. Don’t add the next step until the first one is feeling established and stress-free.
What healthy hacks have you found helpful for your busy schedule?? Share your successes and struggles in the comments below!