Healthy Guide to Snacks [Your 3 Keys to Success]
Snacks are where many of us fall into old habits of nostalgic and convenience eating. But when time is short and we are hangry, what are our options?
Three keys to success with snacking
Plan ahead
Often, our least-healthy food choices are made out of desperation- I'm hungry and need food NOW! Having snacks on hand when you are running errands or working late will ensure that you don’t succumb to the candy at the checkout counter.
Find balance
I like to think of snacks as mini-meals and aim to include at least two out of the three macronutrients- protein, carbohydrate, and fat- in every snack. Any combination of the three will help you feel fuller for longer and will promote optimal nutrient absorption, rather than just crackers or just fruit.
Listen to your body
Snacks are often easy to over-eat, especially if we are distracted while eating them! Portion out a reasonable amount to start (you can always get more!) and check in with your body frequently to prevent over-eating.
Here are some ideas of delicious and nutrient-dense snacks to keep you fueled all day long! These have all been intentionally paired to include at least two sources of either protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Plus they are DELICIOUS.
Products linked below are some of my favorites that I consume regularly. Links provided are not sponsored and do not contain affiliate links.
Hummus and cut vegetables or crackers
My favorite crackers are Simple Mills Almond Flour crackers- nutrient dense and delicious! Add some hot sauce or sprinkle paprika over the hummus for an extra kick.
Calories: 155 | Protein: 4 g |Carbohydrates- 15 g | Fiber: 4 g | Fats: 8 g
Plain yogurt and frozen berries
Y’all, if you are still buying the sugar-heavy fruit yogurt, PAUSE what you are doing and try this hack. Combine plain yogurt (preferably organic and full-fat) with frozen berries. As the frozen berries thaw, they create a yummy fruit syrup that lightly sweetens and flavors the yogurt with ZERO added sugar. You can combine in a container overnight to thaw, or lightly microwave the berries from frozen before adding yogurt. Top with nut butter, chia seeds, granola, nuts, or cinnamon for a fun twist!
Calories: 200 | Protein: 10 g | Carbohydrates: 21 g | Fiber: 2 g | Fats: 9 g
Homemade trail mix
Store bought trail mixes often contain more sugar than a candy bar and are roasted in unhealthy oils. Making your own at home is SO easy and you can include only the ingredients you enjoy- no more picking around those brazil nuts you hate. I recommend you buy the nuts/ingredients in bulk at your local health food store, combine well in a bowl, and pour into mason jars to store. It’s that easy!
Calories: 160 | Protein: 5 g | Carbohydrates: 6 g | Fiber: 2 g | Fats: 14 g
Jerky bar + seasonal fruit
My favorite combination is Epic Bars or Chomps with a handful of berries, but go with what you can find! Just be sure the jerky bar is sourced from high quality meat (preferably grass-fed) and doesn’t have extra additives (avoid those with added sugar, nitrites, natural flavor, maltodextrin, or anything else you can’t pronounce).
Calories: 215 | Protein: 13.5 g | Carbohydrates: 27 g | Fiber: 6.5 g | Fats: 6 g
Hard-boiled egg + seasonal fruit or veggie
Eggs are a perfectly packaged snack, rich in nutrients and very satiating. For a more balanced snack, pair 1-2 eggs with a serving of seasonal fruit or cut raw veggies. I recommend sprinkling Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel Seasoning on your eggs to really up the flavor!
Calories: 170 | Protein: 12 g | Carbohydrates: 7 g | Fiber: 4 g | Fats: 9 g
Store bought and ready to eat:
Coconut Chips (DANG GOOD has some good ones!)
Portable olive packs
Nut butter packs (excellent paired with an apple)
Jerky bars
Siete Cassava chips (great with salsa!)
SeaSnax (the lime flavor is SO good!)
Easy prep snacks:
Chia pudding
Combine 2 tbsp chia seeds with ½ cup milk of choice (I use almond) Let sit overnight. stir in favorite nut butter, cinnamon, fruit, or granola
Protein smoothie
Blend milk of choice (I use almond) with frozen fruit, healthy fat (avocado, yogurt, nut butter, coconut flakes), and favorite protein powder.
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